
Hi, My name is Enrique but everybody calls me Wike. I live in Cádiz, Spain and I'm a web developer.

Regarding my education. I studied Computer Science Engineering at Universidad Complutense of Madrid. I have also done a Web full-stack bootcamp at University of Helsinki.

Along these years I have faced many development paradigms and have been developing on my own. My github.

I'm a passionate of new technologies and cycling. My next goal is to do the Camino de Santiago, 1100 km on 2 wheels.

If you want us to work together or tell me about an idea that may interest me, you can email me and we'll make a meeting.

Below I show you some works in which I have been involved.

Add me on linkedin - Wike.


Next.jsReactPHPScrumJavascriptGraphQLNode.jsCypressJavaC++CExpressMongoDBGitMySQLGithubSQLPostgreSQLHTMLWebpackTypescriptCSSPOOPythonTailwindBootstrapStyled ComponentsWordPressDrupal


in progress...